Coetzee, Stephan

Water is not just a luxury; it's a basic human necessity. Shockingly, nearly 1 in 9 people on our planet still lack access to safe water. Can you imagine having to drink water that makes you sick, robbing you of your health, dignity, and even your life? It's a heartbreaking reality for millions. Since 2002, GAiN has been on a mission to change this narrative by providing rural villages with deep-capped wells. By drilling deep into the earth and tapping into clean water sources, they're bringing hope and health to communities in need. With each well we dig, we're not just providing water; we're giving the gift of life itself. Children can attend school without falling ill from contaminated water. Families can thrive instead of merely surviving. And entire communities can build a better future, free from the shackles of waterborne diseases. Your support isn't just about funding a project; it's about transforming lives. It's about ensuring that every person, regardless of where they're born, has access to the most basic of human rights: clean water. Join us in this cause. Together, we can make a ripple effect that reaches far beyond the wells we dig, creating waves of positive change in communities around the world.

Hey there!

I’ve got something exciting coming up, and I’d love for you to be a part of it.

On October 18, 2024, I’ll be embarking on a journey to Benin for a relief and aid project organized by Global Aid Network (GAiN) UK.

What’s the mission? Well, alongside a group of dedicated volunteers, I’ll be helping to provide rural villages in Benin with something so fundamental yet often overlooked: clean, fresh water. We’ll be working hand in hand with the Benin GAiN team to drill deep-capped wells, ensuring a sustainable source of safe water for these communities.

Why am I so thrilled about this opportunity? Because it’s more than just digging wells. It’s about working alongside local staff and volunteers to bring hope and a brighter future to the villages in Benin. And I know, without a doubt, that this experience will leave an indelible mark on me.

But here’s where you come in. We’ll be in Benin for 10 days, and the total cost of the trip is around £2,600. This covers everything from flights and accommodation to supplies and food. I’m reaching out to ask for your support in making this mission possible.

Would you consider sponsoring me for a day or even half a day? Your contribution could make a significant difference in covering the costs and bringing clean water to those in need.

Let’s talk about why this matters. Water is not just a luxury; it’s a basic human necessity. Shockingly, nearly 1 in 9 people on our planet still lack access to safe water. Can you imagine having to drink water that makes you sick, robbing you of your health, dignity, and even your life? It’s a heartbreaking reality for millions.

Since 2002, GAiN has been on a mission to change this narrative by providing rural villages with deep-capped wells. By drilling deep into the earth and tapping into clean water sources, they’re bringing hope and health to communities in need.

So, will you join me in this cause? Your contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a world of difference. Together, we can ensure that more people have access to the most basic of human rights: clean water.

If you’d like to learn more about GAiN and their incredible work, you can visit their website at:

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Together, we can change lives one drop at a time.

Warm regards,

Stephan Coetzee


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Coetzee, Stephan

Amount £25.00