Dixon, Adam


Who’s Adam?

Hi I’m Adam, I’m a PhD student of infrastructural history at Northumbria University, Newcastle, but don’t worry I am not about to bore you with some facts about tarmac used on the M1! As part of my time at university, I have been blessed to have spent time with Miriam, Kristin, Jonny, and Jack who work for Agapé UK. Agapé are an international charity who are passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus with students across the world. I first met the Agapé gang at Noon-ish prayer and the rest is history. Since then I have been growing deeper in my faith and love of God and excited to share the Gospel with others however daunting that feels. I have shared times with fellow students as we have trained for mission work, prayed, and encountered God together. I now feel ready to challenge myself and throw myself in at the deep-end! Outside of university and Agapé I attend Christ Church Newcastle where I play bass in the worship team (sometimes badly…) and have experience working with missional organisations and the Church of England.

Why Sierra Leone?

Jack invited me on a trip to Sierra Leone with Agapé from the 19th of June to the 5th of July to support local ministry to students there. I initially was a bit hesitant but I really felt God saying “go”. I’m excited to meet fellow brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone whilst, Spirit-willing, welcoming new members into God’s family. Supporting me will mean supporting the work of our Sierra Leonean family too, this won’t be a holiday, we will be out on Fourah Bay College campus chatting to students and inviting them to events. I think it will be a great experience to share the love of God with fellow students in a totally new context. It will be a challenge but I hope it will broaden my experience and I am excited to see God at work in a different culture outside of the UK.

How to support Adam’s trip

Primarily, please support me by praying for me as I go out to Sierra Leone, ask God to guide me with his wisdom, give me the words to say to students, and provide safety during my travels and stay. Everyone can be a supporter in prayer no matter where you find yourself financially. If you are in a position to give financially, that would mean a lot but just to me. At the end of the day, I won’t see the money, I am doing this voluntarily, all donations will go towards, travel, visas, admin costs, accommodation…etc which costs £2000. Importantly, your contribution through prayer and finance will be going towards the increase of God’s Kingdom of love and those who work in Sierra Leone to share it. Please prayerfully consider how you can support my trip, there is an option below to give towards my trip, alternatively, you can support by cheque or cash by getting in touch with me (adam_dixon_@outlook.com).

CHALLENGE! Philadelphia to New York via Washington bike ride in JUST ONE DAY!

As part of my fundraising activity I am going to embark on a bike ride from Philadelphia to New York via Washington. Sorry… I should clarify, I mean Philadelphia, County Durham, to New York, North Tyneside on Easter Saturday (the 30th of March).


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Dixon, Adam

Amount £25.00