Oluwatade, Toni

Hello! I’m Toni Oluwatade, and I graduated from Yale University this May with a degree in Cognitive Science. I also completed the pre-med requirements and am in the process of applying to medical school. When I decided to come to Yale, I knew that there would be so many surprises that would come my way. However, arguably the most unexpected surprise that I found was Christian community.

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian family, but I often felt like I had to live out my faith on my own since there weren’t many other Christians at my high school, and the youth group I attended also didn’t have many people my age. Coming to Yale, the absolute biggest blessing for me has been experiencing the richness of Christian community for the first time, primarily through Yale Students for Christ (YSC), our campus’ chapter of an international missions organization called Cru. Through YSC, I’ve made lifelong friends who challenge me to love and serve the Lord wholeheartedly, have been blessed with mentors who sharpen me, and have had the privilege of walking alongside freshmen and sophomores in their faith journeys as a small group leader.

College is an extremely formative time for everyone, where students make life decisions about their career, their future, their beliefs, and where they will place their identity. Unfortunately, of the over 6000 undergraduates at Yale, only about two to three percent of them are actively following Jesus in Christian community. This upcoming year, I am excited to continue to reach Yale with the Gospel and walk alongside students as they navigate their journeys with faith. Thank you so much for your interest in partnering with me to fulfill the Great Commission at Yale and beyond!

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Oluwatade, Toni

Amount £10.00
Family member: no