Barata, Rita


Hi, welcome to my giving page!

I’m Rita and I’m starting to serve as a staff, full-time, with the campus ministry in Lisboa, Portugal.

As a Portuguese I can tell you we are a very religious country and you see a lot of christian values on our people and culture, but that doesn’t mean necessarily everyone has a personal relationship with Jesus. I didn’t before, and I can see many people around me identifying with loving one another, serving, hosting and caring, but rarely connecting it with the True source of all these – Jesus Christ.

As Agape, our mission is to make Jesus known by sharing, discipling and sending disciples who make disciples, transforming lives. How? We get to share with university students, equip, disciple and finally, inspire them to be sent and share the Gospel with others, through our weekly/monthly events.

I also love art and I studied music and music therapy. I do get to give some sessions for children with disabilities and I’m passionate helping others experiencing God through art.

Will you join me and play a part in God’s mission, praying and/or making a regular/one-off gift, to help me reach out to these students that He loves so much?

If you would like to get in touch with me, here’s my email:
and through my mission Instagram page: @we_on_mission (link below)

Thank you for considering joining my team! It’s a joy to love and serve people well and it’s only possible through your support.

with Love,

Please Note for Regular Giving: If you’d like to give regularly please indicate your frequency (monthly/quarterly/annually) in the message box below, and select the ‘standing order’ payment option at checkout. For a step by step guide please click here.


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Barata, Rita

Amount £10.00
Family member: no