Serving the Local Church

Let’s help people discover Jesus together!

Research has shown that more than 97% of the UK population today are not active followers of Jesus1. Along with that, many Christians are expressing a lack in confidence in talking about their faith2. These are sobering realities and, as we have considered them side by side, we are compelled to respond purposefully as a ministry. Our vision is that every person in the UK will have the opportunity to discover Jesus and live their life to the full in relationship with Him.

As we have prayed about how to respond to the challenge before us in this season, we believe God is calling us to focus our national efforts to work directly with churches in the UK.

Over the next 5 years, through our growing City Teams, we will build our connection with churches up and down the UK, supporting them to inspire, encourage and enable their members to grow in confidence to help their friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to discover Jesus together.

Through this work, we aim to see at least 50,000 Christians taking the initiative to talk about their faith with those who don’t yet know Jesus; specifically to explain the good news of Jesus to 5 of their friends, family, colleagues and neighbours; thereby offering 250,000 people who don’t yet know Jesus the opportunity to discover Him and live their life to the full in relationship with Him.

We want to see every Christian renewed in their confidence to introduce Jesus to the people they spend time with at home, at work, at university and online. We want to see the whole church motivated again for the Great Commission as all people need to know now, as much as ever, the hope we have in Jesus. Now is a time both of great opportunity and great need and we want to play our part in seeing Christians ever more passionate about following Jesus and sharing the good news about Him as a way of life.

We are excited about the opportunities this year and the next 5 years will bring.

We really appreciate your ongoing prayers and support for the work we are doing.



1 According to John Stevens of FIEC in his book Knowing Our Times

2 LICC, JFilm, Agapé UK

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Serving the Local Church

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