Global Missions

Agapé UK desires to give every person on the planet the opportunity to discover Jesus. Whether at home or abroad our goal remains steadfast: to plant indigenous movements that will take the Great Commission seriously. Just as in the New Testament, each movement around the world grows uniquely and it’s amazing to have a front seat to God’s work.


Agapé (as a part of Campus Crusade for Christ Int’l/Cru) around the world is active in over 191 countries. Abroad we have seen God use Global Projects, Short-Term International Staff (STINT) and long-term Global Staff play a part in launching movements led by National Staff, students and volunteers, who then continue to send missionaries to the nations. It is a privilege to partner with the greater body of Christ to see the gospel go to the ends of the earth.


We also aim to prepare, resource and send out individuals, organisations and churches in the whole of the UK to partner across ethnic lines, to work well on multicultural teams and reach their multicultural cities. As Agapé UK Global Missions our goal is to continually innovate to provide the most relevant, research and biblically-based training for leaders and culturally-tailored resources to connect with the heart of every cultural group in the UK.

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Global Missions

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