We are Oli and Bri with Agapé in London, serving University Students, engaging in the new frontier of Digital Missions and providing Leadership Development for Agapé UK nationally.
WHY LONDON? London is incredibly diverse, with over 300 languages spoken in the city. There are also less than 6% practising Christians. The need is great. The nations are here. The opportunity is incredible!
WHY UNI STUDENTS? More than 400,000 students from over 200 nations study in London. Students are open to the deeper questions of life, faith and God as they decide who they want to be and what they believe.
WHY DIGITAL MISSIONS? UK residents aged 16-64 spend an average of 5 hours and 47 mins online daily. When asked, “where would you go to find out about the Christian faith?”, the majority of UK residents said they would search online! Behind every screen is a person. Behind every person is a story. Every story matters to God.
WHY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT? Investing in Agapé’s learning and development allows us to be a high-performance organisation, in line with strategic direction and mission. We work with teams across Agapé UK to increase organisational capacity, develop healthy organisational culture and support better working lives.
OUR HEART: We desire to see people discover Jesus, grow in relationship with him and go to the places God has called them to build his kingdom, whether that’s at home, at work, at university or abroad. We do this by creating multiple opportunities, online and in-person, to follow Jesus and become multiplying disciples. We desire to make it easier for people to find answers to their questions, discover questions they never knew they had, and ultimately discover the joy of following Jesus!
YOUR PART: We can’t do this alone. We need a team of people who partner with us prayerfully and financially. Our commitment to our partners is to work diligently, keep you informed through regular email newsletters, be good stewards of our finances and share prayer concerns with one another. We are prayerfully trusting God in this season for a remaining £1,100/month ($1,350/month) to cover our salaries and ministry costs.