Living & Telling is Agapé UK’s flagship training resource, designed to help inspire, encourage and enable Christians to share their faith in Jesus, naturally and helpfully, as a way of life.
We now want to launch Live it! Tell it! – a much needed “younger sibling” for Christians age 11 to 15, and this is where we urgently seek your partnership! This new resource will help young people engage in faith conversations with their peers, without feeling “on the back foot”, and will help them clearly verbalise what their faith means to them in ordinary, everyday conversations.
The Bible says Christians should “always be prepared to give an answer” (1 Peter 3:15) and preparation includes training. Living & Telling and Live it! Tell it! will help every Christian prepare to share Jesus in normal, natural ways that don’t freak people out or annoy them! Both courses are theologically robust and intensely practical, so you’ll be getting into the Bible but also doing what it says. Whether you are 11 or 111, have just tumbled off an Alpha or Christianity Explored course, or have been following Jesus all your life, Living & Telling or Live it! Tell it! is for you!
In Spring 2022, we launched a new Jamaican version of Living & Telling. We are currently working on West African and Farsi editions – the potential is enormous.
The ultimate goal of these courses is to help every Christian to help others trust and follow Jesus and know God personally. Then those people can use the courses to help more people do the same! That’s what Agapé UK is all about! We need your support to enable us develop, promote and support these courses as they are adopted by churches and youth groups around the UK and overseas.
We can’t do this without you! Thanks so much.