Mathew, Sujeeth


Hi! I’m Sujeeth, serving as Campus Team Leader in London with Agapé UK!

Most students in London do not follow Jesus, and many don’t even know someone who does follow Him. Research shows that only 3% of adults in the UK actively follow Jesus, and in London that’s more like 1%. Many people have had a negative experience with church and religion and generally distrust religion and Christianity in particular, and sadly the small percentage of Christians generally lack confidence to share their faith in Jesus with others.

Agape Students London wants to build multiplying movements of Christ-followers on campus by inspiring, encouraging, and enabling the 1% of Christians in London to invite the 99% into relationship where they can discover Jesus together! We have a vision in which every student in London knows at least one person who follows Jesus and is passionate and confident to share their faith in Him with others, so that every student in London has the opportunity to discover Jesus and live their life to the full in relationship with Him.


The world comes to study in London, and it’s home to almost 50 universities, and over half a million students from over 190 countries! Some of the most influential people in the world have studied in London, including presidents, prime ministers and other world leaders (including Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Margaret Thatcher), as well as world famous musicians, actors and film directors, comedians, scientists…etc who play major roles in shaping society and culture around the world!

So students in London discovering Jesus, growing in their relationship with Him, and going to live and tell of their faith in Him with those in their spheres of influence, can have a massive impact on the world and play a part in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.


You can help students in London to discover Jesus, grow with Him, and go to tell of Him, by praying with us and/or giving financially to help me and others in our staff team continue to serve in this way.

If you’d like to pray with me and for me, I’d love to send you email updates once a semester to keep you updated on what’s happening and how you can pray for London students!

Click here to subscribe to my newsletters!

Would you also prayerfully consider giving £10, £25, £50, £100, £200 monthly (or anything in between, as God leads you) to partner with me as I continue serving full-time with students in London through Agape UK?

Thank you for wanting to join my support team! If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can contact me by email:

Please Note for Regular Giving: If you’d like to give regularly please indicate your frequency (monthly/quarterly/annually) in the message box below, and select the ‘standing order’ payment option at checkout. For a step by step guide please click here.


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Mathew, Sujeeth

Amount £10.00
Family member: no