Bringing relief to places of ingrained poverty and excluded communities is an ongoing commitment of GAiN UK. We are seeking to respond in places where people are living on the margins and are stuck in a cycle of poverty. We have seen time and again how practical relief can bring a renewed sense of hope and possibility for the future and open a door to steps out of poverty.
We are working together with partners who have a long term commitment to serve in communities where change doesn’t come overnight but requires faithful investment to see individual lives impacted and become beacons of hope to those around them. We are currently focused in responding in Serbia, Romania and Greece. In each of these places many of the people we are seeking to serve are among the most vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Our recent News Story shares about some of the families who have been impacted through our partners in Serbia.
For more information about the project working amongst a Roma community in Romania you can read this report from the student team who went there in April 2022.
Your donations will allow us to continue to stand together with our partners for long term change in these communities.
If you are interested to know more about our work to help refugees, click here: