Schieferdecker, Tabitha



I’m Tabby and I have been working with Agapé UK since 2008, in Oxford, Asia and now back in the UK. I currently live in Cambridge and work in the field of UK Digital Missions. I desire to help people across the UK discover Jesus together, by offering online opportunities to follow Jesus and become multiplying disciples.

If someone has a question about faith, the chances are the first place they will begin to look will be online! We must go where the people are. In my role with digital missions, I desire to make it easier for people to find answers to their questions, discover questions they never knew they had, and ultimately to discover the joy of following Jesus!

Advertising Prayer Online –
My colleague Jake and I recorded a short video to students saying, “You have been through a lot. You are not alone. We want to pray for you – send us your prayer request.” We spent a little bit of money to run this online as an advertisement for a few days – to send this offer of prayer to students across Cambridge!
We had four students reach out to us asking for prayer, for things ranging from personal pain they were experiencing to prayer for their family after their dad had a heart attack. We were so pleased that through this small opportunity, God allowed these students to be open to asking for prayer, and presumably considering that there actually is a God who might care enough to listen! Also through a random coincidence(?), a Muslim student from Jordan who I am friends with happened to receive the advert! She sent me a message and we were able to have a great chat, and I said I would pray for her as she looks for a job. What a cool opportunity!


Want to be a part of the action?

This mission isn’t just about me; it’s about all of us! You can look for opportunities to start discussions about Jesus in your family, your workplace, on your university campus, or anywhere. You don’t need to join Agapé UK!

However, God calls some of us to dedicate our full time to this kind of work. To help us to do this, Agapé UK staff members each build a partnership team – made up of people just like you! – who all play a part to keep our work going. We’re dependent on our teams to send us out, regularly pray for us, keep us encouraged, and give financially to help with our day-to-day and ministry expenses.

Thank you for your partnership with me in these things as we trust God together; I’m so grateful for your support!

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Schieferdecker, Tabitha

Amount £10.00
Family member: no