Shave, Geoff and Caroline

Geoff and Caz

Thank you for visiting this page for The Shaves.

Here is a short introduction to them, their journey, and their work.

Geoff and Caroline (Caz) have been happily married for over 28 years and have two adult offspring, Emily and Nathan.

Geoff is a visionary, a born networker, gifted public speaker, influencer, and effective leader.  He likes to cycle and loves birding, but don’t hold that against him!  Caz is a designer, a coach, problem-solver, creative, practical, and organised.  She loves running, photography and painting with water-colours.  Both of them are highly relational.  Their hobbies include exploring, hiking, and fair-weather camping.  And they both love Jesus.

They have been working with Agapé UK, part of Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCC), for even longer than they have been married!  In Birmingham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London they helped students at University on their journey in discovering Jesus, while Caz also directed staff conferences and was head of new staff training.

In 2008, the family moved to Namibia to direct the student ministry there.  Geoff took over as the Namibian National Team Leader in 2012, handed over the student ministry to a Namibian and pioneered a workplace ministry, now called LeaderImpact.

In 2016, the Shaves moved to Cape Town, South Africa where they directed the LeaderImpact strategy of CCC, helping men and women in the workplace explore their personal and professional life through the lens of the Christian faith and mobilising Christian marketplace leaders to become marketplace multipliers, expanding God’s kingdom.

At the end of 2022, Caroline and Geoff made the decision to invest in their home country once again, and return to the UK.  With the cross-cultural, cross-strategy, inter-denominational and missional experience they have, it seemed fitting for them to take on a Church Engagement Lead role.  The purpose is to inspire, encourage and enable church leaders and their members across the UK to help people discover Jesus.  They are really excited to see what God will do through this initiative.

If you would like to receive their newsletters, please contact Caz via email,  If you would like to give financially, follow the instructions below.  Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

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Shave, Geoff and Caroline

Amount £10.00
Family member: no