Wagner, Anna and Pedro

Hi there!


We’re the Wagners! We’re currently working and living in Portugal. Our mission is to make Jesus known by creating movements of emotionally healthy disciples. Anna is British and Pepê is Portuguese, and as a family we’re passionate about seeing Christians come together to help other people take steps towards Jesus.

We would be honoured for you to join us in blessing others!

Anna grew up going to an Anglican primary school. Like many Portuguese kids going to Catholic schools, she thought going to Church meant she was a Christian. When she got to university, God brought many Christian friends to her life and slowly she realised that her friends spoke about Jesus in a way she hadn’t experienced before. These friendships eventually led her to commit her life to Jesus and, soon after, she started being discipled by a Cru staff member on her campus. This opportunity to share her faith from such an early time of her faith journey was so meaningful that she decided to join staff with Cru in the UK.

We met on a mission trip in Portugal, in 2015 when Anna was still living in England. When we got married we felt God’s leading to come to Portugal and we’ve been here since 2018. We’ve worked with university students until June 2023. Now we work equipping churches and our Cru staff in Portugal in creating movements of emotionally healthy disciples. Our desire is to help people like Anna meet Jesus.

How do we do that?

Here is a little story that shows a bit of what we’re doing. Juliana has a colleague who considers herself an atheist. Because of her friendship, Juliana invited her to attend an Alpha course, which Mary (changed name) found interesting. In the session about prayer, Mary asked people to pray for her dad. He had lost something important and nobody could find it. People prayed and the next day, Mary messaged Juliana telling her that they found what they were looking for in a place where they had already searched many times! Juliana said “Mary, it’s God! ” but for Mary this was just a small step towards Jesus. She didn’t marry Jesus, but she got to know him better. And that’s ok. Just like recently, when she received bad news and started shaking in the presence of Juliana. They prayed together and Mary was a lot calmer. Again, Jesus was revealing himself to Mary and she’s one step closer to him. We can’t wait to see the further steps that Mary will take.

It’s stories like this that keep us going. We get to see Jesus bringing people closer to him. We get to be part of his plan to redeem our world.

Would you join us in this mission? 

We need people to partner with us through praying and/or giving financially. If you’d like to be part of our prayer team, send us an email: pedro.wagner@agapeportugal.org. If you’d like to give financially, just click the link below.

Thank you so much for partnering with us to make Jesus known in Lisbon, Portugal!

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Wagner, Anna and Pedro

Amount £10.00
Family member: no