Water for Life

Water is essential to life. It is a basic human necessity. Yet, almost 1 in 8 people still don’t have access to safe water.

490 million people are currently drinking dirty, bacteria-infested water that makes them ill and robs them of their time, dignity, health, right to education, and the opportunity to live a normal life. More than 829,000 are estimated to die each year from diarrhoea as a result of unsafe drinking-water, poor sanitation and hygiene practices. For many children, it’s a death sentence.

We can do something to help break this cycle of brokenness and help improve the lives of these people.

Since 2002, Global Aid Network (GAiN) has been providing rural villages with deep capped wells, ensuring fresh, clean water for their people. We do this by drilling 50-80 metres down, tapping onto the water supply and setting up a deep capped well.

So far, together with generous partners from all over the world, we have provided 3,083 deep capped water wells; enabled over 3,000,000 people to have access to safe water; trained around 250,000 people in hygiene and sanitation practices and over 37,000 in community health training; helped more than 170,000 people discover who Jesus is and partnered with the local church in establishing 1000 new churches! Go to globalaidnetwork.org.uk/water-for-life for more information.

We dream of a world where human flourishing is restored and where water poverty is eradicated.

By 2030, GAiN’s vision is to provide 10 million people with access to safe water in 10 different countries. At the same time, we would like to see 5,000 local churches engaged as the centre for community development.

We believe it’s possible to see a world where physical, spiritual, social and economic brokenness is restored.

Your £8 will help 1 person get access to clean water
£800 will help 100 people
£8,000 will help around 1,000 people and will fund a complete well.

Will you join us in making this dream a reality?

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Water for Life

Amount £10.00