You found us! We are the Weston’s, welcome to our page!
We are equipping professional athletes to confidently live and share their faith at work. We’re helping athletes in the UK and Europe learn more about their professional strengths and weaknesses, achieve a healthy work life balance and gain a sense of satisfaction and purpose at work.
Our aim is to provide holistic ministry, focused on discipleship and connection. We are excited to provide a canopy of care for these influential people and their families.
Being involved in spreading the gospel means more than just being the one to tell people about Jesus. People are needed at all levels to enable this to happen. In light of this, everyone who works for Agapé is responsible for developing a team of ministry partners who are committed to this gospel ministry through prayer & encouragement as well as giving financially towards ministry expenses and living costs.
We would like to invite you to consider being part of this team, and to play a vital role in seeing athletes in the UK and Europe transformed by the knowledge of Jesus and His presence in their lives. If you would like more information or to talk further about partnering with us, get in touch! or